

If you want to create realistic artwork but don’t want to go through the effort of switching brushes in Procreate, this is the only brush set you need. It consists 200+ hand-made brushes, stamps, monolines, and texture brushes, which are suitable for almost every art style you can think of.

You can go from setting up a background to creating the main subject in no time. Moreover, all the brushes in this set are really detailed and of high quality. So, you don’t even have to worry about mixing colors and going for larger artwork.

Number of Brushes: 230
Download Dashed Lines Brushes


Hi! Thanks for stopping by!

This post used to offer “244 Unique & Original Handmade Brushes,” but I changed my artist name on all my social media (I used to be Liberty Rose Lettering or LRL, and then Liberty Rose Artistry or LRA). At the behest of my husband, I finally caved and chose to operate/advertise my given name on my artwork. My name, as you can see, is now Anne Rose Creative Artistry, or ARCA. I updated all the brush files to reflect this change, and in doing so, I found a few duplicates. SO- there are no duplicates that I can see in this batch. Better for YOU, I say.

A little background: when Procreate came out, I had just gotten an iPad Pro and Pencil, and I had to try it out. I fell in love. I got some of the free brushes people were passing out… but me being me, I couldn’t settle for that – I had to figure out how to do it myself. And I did. The brushes I’m handing over to you are those experiments – and successful ones.

If you’re like me, and want to put your hands on this fun stuff, you’re looking to make your own Procreate brushes from scratch, here’s my advice: study the ones you already have. Play with the settings. Change the images. But make sure you use vectors for the shape source if you choose your own. For vectors, I personally use the Procreate app for drawing, the Imaengine app to turn the Procreate images to vectors, and the Graphic app to manipulate and export the vectors back to Procreate for brushes.

ANYWAY…. I know you’re probably here to get some cool stuff, and I won’t keep you. There are 230 brushes in the .zip file, including stamps, textures, backgrounds, monolines and pressured brushes.

HERE is the .zip file (through Dropbox)

and HERE is the folder of .brush files (also through Dropbox).


 I’d love it if you’d tag #arcabrushes when you post creations using these brushes. I’m excited to see what you create with them! Enjoy! Happy creating!

Unique & Original Handmade Brushes for Procreate by Arcabrushes | Cartoons & Comics



Free Brushes For Download


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