

Nature Leaf and Grass Brushes Free Download for Procreate by Hollen Gray

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Licence: Free for non commercial use only. . Please check author page for more information.

In any nature-based artwork, creating leaves and grass is easy. But it can also get tiring because of the repetitive actions and placement of the same shapes. If you relate to this situation, you will love these best Procreate nature brushes. Each brush inset either creates realistic leaves or grass patterns. In the case of the leaves, You can rotate the brushes while reusing them to make sure the patterns are unique.

There’s also built-in contrast for each brush, so you can notice shadows within each impression. When used in combination with tree and beach silhouettes, these brushes can create amazing effects. They are simple in their details, and you should use them in a smaller size for best results. You can even combine them to create more variety in your artwork.

Number of Brushes: 10
Download Nature Brushes



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