

Abbie Watercolor Procreate Brushes Free Download

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If you are someone like me who shifted from traditional to digital artworks, the recreation of watercolors might be an issue for you. But not anymore. This brush set will help you recreate watercolor effects in their entirety. Not only do these brushes look real, but each stroke also leaves a reducing color trail.

The benefits of this set don’t end here. While creating artworks, you can even combine colors as you would with real watercolors. The effect won’t be 100% accurate but with a paper texture, it is going to be more than convincing. You can even use some of these brushes for outlining and lettering. Just make sure that stroke doesn’t run out of color before you finish your action.

Number of Brushes: 5
Download Abbie’s Watercolor Brushes

I've been trying (like a lot of you) to find the PERFECT watercolour brush for procreate. I've tried every single one on the forum, I've tried different settings, I've made different brush sources, I've been through every iteration of the brush controls and FINALY, I have made a set of five watercolour brushes that I actually like



Free Brushes For Download


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